What If Sharing Your Story Could Save Someone Else?
Sharing Your Story: The Healing Power of Vulnerability
Stories do more than entertain—they connect, heal, and inspire. Sharing my struggles with depression and grief over losing Maddie transformed my healing journey and empowered others to open up. Storytelling bridges pain and hope, reduces anxiety, and fosters empathy. By sharing your story, you create ripples of connection, proving no one is truly alone. #MentalHealth #Storytelling
Why the System Failed My Teen and What I’m Doing to Fix It?
The mental health system failed my child, and I’ve seen it fail countless others. Support is strained, schools are unprepared, and politicians make empty promises while kids are left struggling. I’m fighting for real change—better programs, accountability, and solutions that put kids first. Our children deserve more, and I won’t stop until they get it. Join me in making a difference.