How My Viral Post Made My Mental Health Plummet

When I shared a deeply personal post about my daughter Maddie on World Suicide Awareness Day, I never imagined how much it would resonate. It was a heartfelt reflection to honour Maddie, and I hoped it might help others feel less alone in their own struggles. Honestly, I wasn’t even planning to post anything. But late that night, I decided to share my story, and by morning, the response was overwhelming: over 1,000 likes, dozens of shares, and more than 60,000 impressions.

At first, seeing so many people connect with what I had written was incredible. But as the days went by, I was caught in an emotional storm I hadn’t anticipated—one that pulled me into a very different place.

The Unexpected Impact of Going Viral

I’ve heard about the unpredictability of going viral, but nothing prepares you for the rollercoaster of emotions when it’s your own story. I was glued to my phone, unable to stop refreshing, checking comments, and watching the numbers climb. What started as excitement turned into anxiety. I felt immense pressure to respond, to thank people, and to keep the conversation alive. It became an endless cycle that quickly overwhelmed me.

I was likely experiencing many of the same emotions kids seek when posting on social media. I felt like a bit of a hypocrite.

Strangely, all that attention made me feel even more alone. My deeply personal story was now in the hands of strangers, analyzed and critiqued by people who knew nothing about me or my family. While almost all comments were kind and positive, there were a few comments I scratched my head about. I felt exposed and vulnerable like I had lost control over an intensely personal part of my life.

When Advocacy Takes a Toll

Ironically, my post about mental health awareness ended up taking a toll on my own mental health. The high of seeing so much engagement quickly wore off, replaced by the pressure to stay connected, to navigate the criticism, and to meet expectations. I was losing sleep, caught in a cycle of checking my phone at all hours, and becoming increasingly disconnected from the people around me.

The things I had hoped would create positive change for others had begun to pull me away from my own well-being.

Finding Balance Again

I’ve learned that while social media can be a powerful tool for connection, it also comes at a cost if we aren’t careful. I had to step back—to turn off notifications, take a break from the comments, and remind myself that my value isn’t defined by likes or shares. It’s about the genuine connections I make and the authenticity I bring to both my online and offline worlds.

Going viral taught me a tough lesson: even positive attention can be overwhelming when we lose sight of our boundaries. It’s okay to disconnect, to protect yourself from the constant onslaught of opinions, and to step away when it all becomes too much.

I’m sharing this not just to tell my story but to encourage anyone else who might be feeling overwhelmed by social media or life in general. Your well-being comes first. We must recognize when we need to step back, set boundaries, and protect our peace. The real power lies in finding a way to use our voices without losing ourselves in the process.

Let’s keep sharing and connecting, but let’s also remember to protect our mental health.

#MentalHealth #Authenticity #FindingBalance #SelfCare #YouthMentalHealth


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