Are Your Employees Demanding Better Mental Health Resources?

Attention HR Professionals: Are your Employees demanding better Mental Health Coverage?

Looking to save your company hundreds of lost hours while supporting your employees’ mental health?

This service ensures your employees can access the right practitioners for their teens in days, not months, saving them both time away from work and emotional stress.

It is a standalone service or a seamless add-on to your existing benefit plan, making it easy to implement and manage.

Unless you’ve had a teen struggling, you can’t believe the anguish this creates.

You’re desperate for help and resources.

Passing weeks feels like an eternity.

Even if your employees aren’t asking for this, rest assured—they’re thinking about it.

Click on the link below. Your employees will love you for it.


For Maddie: Breaking the Silence Around Teen Depression


The Anatomy of Your Teen’s Suicide Attempt